1 Stop feeling sorry for yourself - Don’t wallow in self-pity as it is self-defeating. Learn to accept the situation and find out what actions you can take to improve your situation.
2 Be grateful - Make a daily or twice daily habit of looking at the good things you have going.
3 Say ‘yes’ more - Learn to ‘go with the flow’ and say yes to outings and activities you might normally not get involved with.
4 Follow your bliss - Push your overall direction into doing things that you truly enjoy.
5 Learn to let go - Recognize when certain negative emotions are holding you back. Learn to let go of these negative emotions so they don’t destroy your happiness.
6 Do random acts of kindness - Doing things for other people naturally makes you feel good.
7 Happiness is only ever now - Decide to frequently enjoy the moment - without focusing all your energy on the past or the future.
2 Be grateful - Make a daily or twice daily habit of looking at the good things you have going.
3 Say ‘yes’ more - Learn to ‘go with the flow’ and say yes to outings and activities you might normally not get involved with.
4 Follow your bliss - Push your overall direction into doing things that you truly enjoy.
5 Learn to let go - Recognize when certain negative emotions are holding you back. Learn to let go of these negative emotions so they don’t destroy your happiness.
6 Do random acts of kindness - Doing things for other people naturally makes you feel good.
7 Happiness is only ever now - Decide to frequently enjoy the moment - without focusing all your energy on the past or the future.